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When I first started this unit, I thought it was going to be very hard and long. Well, it was long but, it started to become a lot easier than it was at first. This unit taught me a lot like vertex form, factored form, standard form, the quadratic formula, etc. Before, I came to grade 10, I didn’t even these things existed. But, now I know way more math than I used too. My favorite part from this big unit was vertex form and factored form. Standard form had too much information in it but, it was okay. I noticed on my unit test’s I do good in but, the multiple choice always ruins me. So I should improve on the multiple choices because I’m really bad at it. Now I realized, I learned a lot from this unit and it would help in grade 11, 12 and beyond. 


On the test I only made 2 mistakes on the multiple choice and good a 3 on communication. Now on I'm going to analyze the multiple choice properly and pick the correct answer. Also, for communication, I am going to explain a lot more in detailed. 

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